Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011

Jasmine is a kick-ass baby. She just is. She never stops smiling, especially when either Mommy or I enter the room. She never cries for no reason, and even when there IS a good reason to cry, once we do whatever she wants us to do (take me out of this crib, give me something for this annoying teething, please make Ariel get off of my head), she stops crying and smiles again. As long as no permanent harm was done, no problem. That’s how she rolls. And we love that, obviously. She’s even starting to do better with sleeping through the night. Without a doubt, after 10 months, I’m giving the kid a solid A.

That said, she took it to a whole other level the other day. Some teenager rang the doorbell and when I stupidly opened the door, she started in with a whole annoying pitch on the environment and why I should donate money to her cause and make the world safe for the whooping crane or some such thing. I don’t have a problem with environmental causes (although I’ve never fully trusted the whooping crane), but I do have a problem with people ringing my doorbell and bothering me. So I’m standing there in the doorway, holding Jasmine, listening to the pitch, just waiting for the inevitable pause that will allow me to jump in with “Hey, that’s awesome, but how about you go away now and I never see you again,” when Jasmine decides she’s heard enough. She reaches out for the door, and with one little 10-month old hand, pushes the door closed. I let it swing shut as I watched Green Girl say “but I’m not finished…” and then yep, she WAS finished. Just fantastic work on the part of Jasmine. Someday when she’s older I’m totally going to buy her something for what seems like no reason at all, and it will be a thank-you for this performance, definitely the smile of the week.

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