Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

Ariel called me a light switch the other day. It was clearly meant as a put-down, though it was one of those, “I’m-a-4-year-old-so-anything-I-say-no-matter-how-silly-and-meaningless-is-INDESCRIBABLY-funny-right-now” kind of put-downs. In the past I’ve been a kookie head, a lollipop, AND, apparently, at times, I wear (or perhaps AM, as it wasn’t entirely clear) banana pants. I mention this because I want this out there – if in 2015 the cool way to “dis” somebody is by calling them a light switch, we all know who started the trend.

The other day Ariel decided she HAD to call her best friend (the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fabulous). This was her first ever real phone conversation with a friend, and if it was any indication, I don’t see any limited-minutes phone plans in her future. They talked for at least 45 minutes (while Ariel multi-tasked with my iPad) and probably would have kept going longer if we hadn’t interrupted. I have no idea what was being discussed, but I’m fairly certain it wasn’t the ongoing debate over the debt ceiling. At one point her grandmother dropped by for a visit. She walked over to Ariel to say hi, and was quickly dismissed from the living room as an unnecessary interruption. Of course Mr. Fabulous and I were thrilled about this whole development, since those were 45 beautiful, self-sufficient minutes during which we weren’t being asked to color or play princess or anything, but it IS a little scary to think of the damage this girl is going to do with a cell phone one day. I mean, she’s 4 years old for God’s sake.

1 comment:

  1. A symposium made of the two of them on the debt ceiling would have far more productive than anything we've seen from the people paid to really discuss it. Glad you got some semi-free time, LS.
