Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14, 2011

I’ve been trying hard the last few months to get Ariel to listen to what she calls “Daddy’s” music when we’re in the car together. “My” music pretty much consists of anything not directed at the under-5 set. Billy Joel, Katy Perry, Eminem, whatever, really it’s all the same to her. And to me, anything that doesn’t involve a princess or Daisy Duck singing is A-O-K with me. Much to my delight, recently she’s even started to enjoy some of it. She LOVES Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance (and obviously Gaga is a PERFECT role model for her), and keeps asking me to play the beginning of her song called “Black Jesus” because the line “Broadway Baby” is in that song…and also in the song played during her dance recital. Not only has this trend made car rides more pleasant for me, but it helps avoid the inevitable torture that used to occur when I would get one of her songs stuck in my head. Believe me, when you can’t, no matter what you do, stop hearing The Farmer in the Dell in your head, its not good times. Its bad times. Very bad times. I will say, though, that it makes me smile every time I scroll through my iPod and get to a block of her songs, and right after “I Had a Little Nut Tree” I come to “I Love Little Pussy.” Wow. Can’t let my iPod get into the wrong hands without supervision, huh?

1 comment:

  1. The worst is when Number 1 was into Dora and I had to listen to that CD. It go so when her cover of Celebration came on I perked up, "hey! that's a good one!" and then got depressed I was happy about it. Kinda like when I got pumped when the "Peanuts" theme came on over the Musak when I was working in a department store.
