Thursday, June 2, 2011

May 15, 2011

We had parent/teacher conferences at Ariel’s pre-school a while back. Which of course seems utterly insane since she’s 3 years old. But welcome to 2011. Anyway, the wife and I were ready to hear that Ariel is, shall we say, a “handful,” and that the faculty is all chipping in to send her away to China or something, and instead they hit us with this nugget. “We have absolutely NOTHING negative to say about Ariel. She’s cooperative and kind and plays well with others and we wish we had 10 of her in the class.” Ok, I’m sorry, I’m going to need to call a 20-second time out here. WHAT??? I mean, it’s fabulous that she behaves beautifully at school, and obviously that means she can modify her behavior when she wants to, so that’s good (especially if she decides to be a politician or career criminal or something productive like that). But still, are you kidding me? First of all, the idea of 10 Ariels could, to me, EASILY be the basis of the next Wes Craven film. Second, why exactly is she a goody-goody at school and Bart Simpson at home? WTF?

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