Monday, June 20, 2011

June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day! We had the wife’s family over to celebrate both Father’s Day and Ariel’s upcoming 4th birthday, and of course the day was exhausting. But, I have to admit, it was really fun. Ariel was shockingly well behaved all day long. It’s staggering the difference that makes in the overall quality of a day. My gift from her was pretty funny, apparently at her pre-school they had the kids make things for dads for Father’s Day, and they made a card with a quote from each kid. Ariel’s was “I love Daddy because he buys me stuff.” Really? OK, sure, I expect her to feel that way when she’s 14, but, at 4? Don’t I have a few years of being the best just because I’m Daddy? No? Oh, OK, thanks. I didn’t realize that. The gift included a pen/pencil holder for my desk, and she had put all sports team stuff on it since she knows I love sports. She was SO excited to show me she had something from my favorite team, the Boston Red Sox. Sadly, that turned out to be the logo of the NY Red Bulls soccer team, not the Sox. And somehow 2 different NY Yankee logos got put on there. Which means two things. First, at least one of her teachers is going to find themselves unable to get tenure when I’m done with her (its possible I’m kidding, but not guaranteed), and second, we’re going to be making some slight modifications to Daddy’s pen/pencil holder that hopefully she won't notice.

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