Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 16, 2011

Ariel’s babysitter noticed that her princess bag had a broken handle. That would be Ariel's bag, by the way, not her babysitter's. In case you were wondering. Anyway, she mentioned to Ariel that she should point it out to me so I can fix it. “Daddy doesn’t fix things. I’ll tell Papa Mimi (Grandpa).” I’d be offended if it wasn’t so undeniably true. Really, she could have suggested anybody we know other than MAYBE her 8 month old sister and she had a better shot getting the thing fixed than with me. Later, she completely colored in her belly button and insisted to Mommy that it was “an accident.” I can’t decide if she’s lying or is confused as to the meaning of the word “accident.” Kind of a coin flip really.

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